Hartson Funeral Home

Can a Funeral Home Blog? Hartson Can

Apr 14, 2019

We thinking giving voice to the important work we do with families can help others who find themselves in such circumstances. We also believe that telling the stories of our families strengthens our community. 

Hartson Funeral Home
It may just seem like the thing to do, but we believe our new blog can add value to readers' lives if they choose to stick with us and read our posts from time to time. Here's how:

Communicating News
News of someone's passing is not only a personal matter for family and friends, but also a public matter for the community that loses one of its citizens. People frequently read the obituary pages in the newspaper and online, and our blog is designed to be an extension for telling import life stories, so that we can acknowledge or remember those who have come before us. 

Expressing Our Thoughts
Loss is difficult, but not always tragic. We think it's important to give voice to circumstances that enrich our lives and provide meaning. After all, some stories are inspiring. We are part of a family history, but we also share a common bond in our communities. We want to make sure that we discuss who we are, not just whom we've lost. 

Being a Part of Our Community
We are part of the community and share rich connections to families and friends, businesses and colleagues. We also believe in civic duties and services that go well beyond our profession. We don't do it for recognition, but rather for the gratification of helping others and making our community stronger and better.

Managing Change 
Nothing stays the same, and that's one more reason we've taken this step. We want to keep abreast of trends and provide insights into how people grieve and heal after losing a loved one. We think that we can provide credible advice for what's appropriate and fitting as customs and funeral services evolve. 

Thanks for reading. From all of us at Hartson Funeral Home, we hope you'll stay in touch or follow us on Facebook. If we can provide any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach us at

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